As the new IG codex draws closer and closer, and as the rumors of how it will be unfold, I am coming to realize what I had suspected back 8months ago when I first devised my IG Light Infantry list....
it's not going to be available any more.
gone are the days of getting to go first, and still set up second. When I was feeling particularly devious, I could drop some of the Vet Sarges down to just Sargents, and drop a squad to pick up an Inquisitor with an Emperor's Tarot, for the +1 to the who goes first roll.
With a new codex comes new ways of using the same old army you've had for a while. I'm sure I will be able to come up with a viable all-infantry force, as I buy more and more tanks, to fulfill my treadhead dreams...
I have actually put my old crazy, infiltrating, Deep Striking Light Infantry Inquisitorial Irregulars to bed.
so for one last hurrah, I thought I'd put up the list, and talk a bit about how I used to use them.
Light Infantry IGDoctrines:
Light Infantry, Drop Troops, Veterans, Iron Discipline, Special Weapon SquadsCommand Platoon:
Command Squad-2lasguns, mortar,
Drop troops, Iron Discipline, Light Infantry Heroic Sr. Officer-Laspistol, Power Weapon
Veteran-Lasgun, Standard
Anti-tank Squad-3Lascannons 3lasguns
Drop troops, Light InfantryFire Support Squad- 3Autocannons 3lasguns
Drop troops, Light Infantry
Special weapon squad
-flamer, Demolition Charge
, 5lasguns
Drop TroopsSpecial weapon squad
-flamer, Demolition Charge
, 5lasguns
Drop TroopsInfantry Platoon:
Command Squad-Mortar, 3lasguns,
Drop troops, Iron Discipline, Light Infantry Junior Officer-Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol,
Honorifica Imperialis
Infantry Squad 1-Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher, 7lasguns,
Drop Troops, Light Infantry.
Veteran Sargeant-Lasgun
Infantry Squad 2-Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher, 7lasguns,
Drop Troops, Light Infantry.
Veteran Sargeant-Lasgun
Infantry Squad 3-Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher, 7lasguns,
Drop Troops, Light Infantry.
Veteran Sargeant-Lasgun
Infantry Platoon:
Command Squad-3meltaguns, 1lasgun,
Drop Troops, Iron Discipline, Light Infantry.
Junior Officer-CCW, Laspistol
Infantry Squad 1-Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher, 7lasguns,
Drop Troops, Light Infantry.
Veteran Sargeant-Lasgun
Infantry Squad 2-Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher, 7lasguns,
Drop Troops, Light Infantry.
Veteran Sargeant-Lasgun
Infantry Squad 3-Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher, 7lasguns,
Drop Troops, Light Infantry.
Veteran Sargeant-Lasgun
Hardened Veterans-Lascannon, 2Plasmaguns, 2lasguns,
Drop Troops Hardened Veteran Sargeant-Bolt Pistol, CCW
Hardened Veterans-Lascannon, 2Plasmaguns, 2lasguns,
Drop Troops Hardened Veteran Sargeant-Bolt Pistol, CCW
Hardened Veterans-Lascannon, 2Plasmaguns, 2lasguns,
Drop Troops Hardened Veteran Sargeant-Bolt Pistol, CCW
It ended up being a lot of guys who didn't set up until last, and gave me a lot of flexibility on how to deploy depending on what my opponent was fielding. I used split infiltrating deployments with this, baited flanks, line the borders, and standarddeployment (for when my opponent figured out my clever tricks of infiltration, and outflank)
One game involved Chaos Marines on foot, where I deployed one platoon mortar HQ in a corner behind cover, and he then placed the majority of his forces on the left side of the table, assuming I would infiltrate most of my army on that side, near my HQ's leadership bubbles. He was right, sort of. I did deploy my infantry platoons in my left hand corner, all of them. I left ML's and GL's poking out for good shots. He chuckled in a satisfied manner, until I started deploying the Veterans in the OPPOSITE corner... 20" away from him. Ahh. what a shooting gallery that one was. The rhinos went down 1st turn, and the CSM's had to march through a hail of fire to get to me. The Chosen Squad that ran into the lascannon and plasma fire went down fast. Special weapon squads falling from the skies with Demo Charges added insult to injury. I had to use a few line squads as speed bumps for the rest of the force... run them forward to recieve a charge on the CSM's turn.. then have them fail Ld, and get swept. Leaving the CSM's in front of a LOT of Lasguns.
Vs. Ork hordes the many small blasts were good to have. as were the Demo Charges again.
I found it very easy to win with this force if I got 1st turn. Going Second made it a little harder, since my opponent would get a turn to 'react' to my deployment. I found that more experienced opponents would spread out their forces more, to prevent infiltration, or at least deny good infiltrating positions in cover.
I'll put something more up about transitioning to 'new' IG as I take the time to read about thier options... mostly about how I will combine IG and =I=. I think the combinations from allies and induction will get me fairly excited. From what I've seen, using them together will produce a more potent hybrid force than either can do as pure forces.