by SandWyrm
Because they're a publicly traded company, we have the privilege of digging through Games Workshop's financial reports every six months. As such, we all have a reasonable idea of how well or badly GW is doing each year. But what about the other major miniature game manufacturers, like Battlefront, Wyrd, or FFG? Are they doing better than GW? About the same? Worse? Unless some scandal breaks and airs some dirty laundry, we generally have no idea.
Well, some laundry is now being aired in regards to Battlefront, Dust Studios, and their latest Kickstarter. We're mostly hearing from a very mad Dust Studios, who have not yet been fully paid from the nearly $470,000 that was raised for Operation Babylon. Battlefront isn't saying much, but their actions indicate that they may be experiencing some severe cash-flow problems, and have used that money to pay old debts instead paying for the completion of the Kickstarter.