Sandwyrm and I squared off at the new FLGS, with 1850pts of a lot of models. He took his favorite 1850IG mech list. I brought the menagerie of WH with inducted IG, and allied GK's.
above you get a good view of Protem (who brought and set up our terrain), and myself moving an Exorcist into better firing position. You get a good look at the bottom half of Sandwyrm, with his hellhounds, a chimelta squad, and Marbo Gimpie sitting in reserve.
I got first turn, with spearhead, and 4 objective markers.
We got through 3 turns. Admittedly, we need to play faster. We do joke a LOT when we play, and I'm not the fastest player. I take time to mull over my decisions, when I need to remember it's just a game of toy soldiers.
so here's a quick rundown:

I need to look up the validity of GK's taking a LR as a transport when they're allied. The codex was a lil fuzzy. I know Inquisitors can do it.
Sandwyrm had 4 Chimelta squads (just like my 2), a Chimera command squad (astropath, 4plasma),2 Hellhounds w/hull Multimelta (I think), a Leman Russ w/lascannon, a Demolisher w/Hflamer, a squadron of 3 autocannon scout sentinels, 2 5-man IG Stormtrooper squads w/2meltas, and Marbo.
yeah, this was gonna get messy. Sandwyrm failed to sieze the initiative and make me cry.
1st turn:
I moved the long edge rhino forward 12", and popped my old school smokes (which are excellent BTW). and moved the chimera up 6", keeping the rhino blocking most of LoS to the chimera. This way the chimera could get some potshots off, and still be out of range for Sandwyrm's chimeltas, and out of LoS for his Russes:

The chimera killed one sent, and an exorcist killed off the other two in a screaming barrage. The Demolisher was immobilized, and the chimelta squad on Sandwyrm's left flank was demolished by the other exorcist.
In Sandwyrm's portion, he knocked off the smoked rhino's gun, and an Exorcist's gun. I had moved the Landraider back a bit from it's approx 25" away from the Demolisher, leaving an immobilized Demolisher to fire at the rhino. I wasn't too keen on both russes firing at the LandRaider, killing it, and then killing off the GK's, so I played it safer.
My turn 2:
I advanced the rhino on Sandwyrm's left flank out from behind the rocks, and popped smoke, and pulled 6" out with the chimera, using the Rhino for mobile terrain.
the Chimelta squad and Sisters on his right flank both charged forward 12" and disembarked (to get in melta range)
The exortcists, LR, and Russ all shuffle to get board position for shots.
the chimelta squad unleashes a volley of 3 meltagun shots into the Russ, only to immobilize it. The Sisters manage to stun the chimelta squadon Sandwyrm's right flank.
My russ got lucky with a lascannon shot and exploded the Demolisher. The exorcist next to the Russ took out a chimera
Sandwyrm's turn2:
lots of stuff was going to come in from reserve. 2 Stormies, a chimelta, and Marbo.
Marbo sat down in in my back quarter, and tossed his Demo charge a lil short... on himself, but he's got cool cover saves.
The Chimelta... well it came in and got excited:

once the 'good touch, bad touch' 1inch rule was enforced, my vets felt not so violated. Sandwyrm rolled a wrecked, but not destroyed result, and I had to get out. Which caused us to read the Emergency disembark rule, thanks to Protem knowing where it was. I was going to have to disembark, and make a diff terrain roll to climb up on my chimera to shoot Sandwyrm's. nope. the rule lets me get out, and take a pin check. that's pretty much it.
Sandwyrm put a stormie squad behind the big rock on his left long tagle edge, you can barely see them in the picture above. They had their sights set on LandRaider rear armor. The other Stormie squad scattered to the opposite side of the rock, about 7" from the sisters rhino. The Land Raider Stormies immobilized it, and the rhino stormies shook it.
Over in Sandwyrm's left flank, the chimelta vets can't shoot because of the stunned result on their chimera, and Sandwyrm had forgotten to get them out to shoot. The Russ knocked the socks off 9 of my 10 Vets with a well placed large blast at the rear of my chimera. The lone Meltagun stuck around thanks to the book of St. Lucius on the Sisters nearby.
I opened up the left flank chimera with the lone meltagun vet, and hosed Sandwyrm's vets down as they exited their chimera with the Sisters. the exorcist wiped the smile off Marbo's face, and the sisters near the Land Raider moved to wipe the squad behind the rock off the board, while the GK's got out of the front of the LandRaider, and made their way towards the Stormies in front of the rock, to charge and kick their butts. my vets in the corner moved up allong the side of Sandwyrm's chimera....

then there was the charge from my vets onto Sandwyrm's vets, which bogged them both down, as we found my vets didn't pay nearly enough attention in close quarters fighting training, and were slowly going to loose. I think the land raider shook Sandwyrm's Russ again, and My Russ shot a chimera..
it got kinda fuzzy for me.
Sandwyrm's turn3:
the CC grind kept going between the 2 vet squads.

and we called the game, since the shop was closing. Sandwyrm had 1 objective, and I was just outside reach of another one, with one movement phase away from a second one. I also realized I'd forgotten to bring the Jumpy cannoness to the party. oh well.
I really like running chimelta vets in tandem with Sisters squads. Between the two they pack quite a punch, and the Sisters enhance the Vets leadership, which is nice. I also really like using a rhino with the old 'glancing' smokes as cover for chimeltas.
This was my first 'big' game in a long while, and my first game in a while. 1850 is an interesting point size, as you have more units to play with. I usually end up bringing more of the same stuff, however. Even at this level, I was looking at 5troops selections, and 3 Heavy selections. Of course, I had 0 elite, and 0 Fast attack slots filled. I like filling out troops slots, since SoB's are still a pretty good troops slot choice, as are chimelta vets.
I like the new 'ard boys induction rules for IG. Stuff is CHEAP. I think the new Chimelta vets compliment Sisters nicely, and a Russ comliments 2 Exorcists very well also. Inquisition with inducted IG build this way might still be weak on long range AT fire, but I really like how the combines elements work.
before, I was using chimera (miltilaser and Hbolter) and an autocannon squad parked in cover for fire support. It was a fairly cheap way to get a Leman Russ, and give some long range fire support. It left the Sisters in their rhinos hanging out on their own, to get shot up however.
The WH w/inducted IG now is a much more dynamic force, with the vets and sisters SUPPORTING each other much more closely.
I did take advantage of the Mech IG's shorter range in this game, but probably should have boldly moved the Land raider forward 12" in turn2, to puke out some GK's to charge. I played it safe, like I would have if we were playing 5-6turns.
I think that had we kept playing, I would have cleared Sandwyrm's guys off the board by turn6.
we'll definately have to have a rematch. and post game beer.