by SandWyrm
If you head over to the Sandboxr website, they have a web app up that will let you (after creating an account) assemble your own custom 3D printed spaceship. Using any combination of Ender's Game themed parts and colors.
Welcome to the future. Prices are a bit high, but the models come in full color, no painting required.
Monday, October 28, 2013
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Orson Scott Card isn't getting a cent of my money.
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DeleteIf you do any sort of digging into the lives and opinions of a particular fiction author, you'll find plenty to be offended by. Their differences from the norm is what defines them in the first place. They're interesting freaks. It's why they succeed. Personally, I find Card much more consistent in his stances, and less objectionable overall on a personal level, than I do Azimov, Clarke, or especially L.Ron Hubbard. Yet, I have read and enjoyed the Sci-Fi work of each.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping for a good movie adaptation of Ender's Game, and I will appreciate it, or not, on it's own terms. Battlefield Earth was not a good movie at all, but those that damned it based on its supposed links to Scientology were being ridiculous. The book predated Scientology by many years, and those that actually read it knew it was nothing more than an epic adventure story.
The difference between those guys and Card is that those guys are all dead. There's a limit to the harm they can cause at this point(Well maybe not Hubbard, but there are other reasons to avoid his work), Money to Card is money that goes directly to a guy that hold some opinions I find distasteful. Money he can then go and spend promoting those opinions I find distasteful,
DeleteOh, John Ringo, No!
The reporting of OSC's views is completely overblown. He's a bit off in certain ways, and seems convinced the government is trying to rule our lives and crush "traditional" values, but he's not a bad person and he doesn't hate gays.
DeleteThis guy is the author of Speaker for the Dead, probably my favourite science fiction novel of all time. The entire moral of the story is about understanding menacing "others" and learning to understand, appreciate and ultimately protect them.
DeleteIf you actually read Card's essays, they're very thoughtful and understanding towards those he doesn't agree with. He does not hate gays, he just doesn't believe that homosexual behavior should be either rewarded in society at large, or that they should be given leadership positions in the LDS church. His attitude (which is largely shared by other christian sects) is that gays should be treated with love and understanding (i.e. tolerance) up to the point that they try and proclaim that their lifestyle is either righteous, or that they can serve both the church and their sexuality at the same time.
Now, whether you agree with that stance or not, it’s hardly the unsophisticated view of some redneck neo-nazi. As such, I think Card deserves some degree of respect in regards to his expression of those opinions. This being America and all.
If I can listen happily to the music of David Bowie and Michael Stipe without stressing about their lifestyle choices, or watch a Tom Cruise movie without stressing about Scientology, I think that you can manage to enjoy a space battle movie without worrying about what Card thinks on a particular social issue.
Just consider it this way: You’re rewarding him for something he’s done right (Ender’s Game), not whatever you think he’s done wrong. If he gets more money and attention for making space battle movies, he’ll have less time or reason to write potentially objectionable political essays.
DeleteSomeone needs to introduce John Ringo to Uwe Boll. That movie might be so bad that it warps space back around to good again. :)
Back to the topic... I'm just going to leave this here: