So the top 4 lists and players are detailed below...
1st Place and Best General going 7-0
Brett Perkins-AKA Tombking on DakkaDakka
1 Destroyer Lord, 160 pts = (Sempiternal Weave + Mindshackle Scarabs)
5 Warriors, 65 pts 1 Night Scythe, 100 pts
5 Warriors, 65 pts 1 Night Scythe, 100 pts
5 Warriors, 65 pts 1 Night Scythe, 100 pts
5 Warriors, 65 pts
Fast Attack:
5 Canoptek Wraiths, 175 pts
Heavy Support:
1 Annihilation Barge, Tesla/Tesla 90 pts
1 Annihilation Barge, Tesla/Tesla 90 pts
1 Annihilation Barge, Tesla/Tesla 90 pts
HQ: Daemon Prince
1 Daemon Prince (HQ) [Chaos], 365 pts = (Power Armour + Wings + Increase Mastery Level x3 + Daemon of Tzeentch+ Gift of Mutation+Spell Familiar) (rolled TZ once and Bio twice)
1 The Black Mace [Chaos]
9 Chaos Cultists (Troops) [Chaos], 50 pts
1 Cultist Champion
Fast Attack:
Heldrake (170 pts) (baleflamer)
2nd Place and Ren Man going 6-1 (And last years best general)
Hanz Krueger (Not the same as the hans gruber in die hard)
Trazyn the Infinite (warlord) 175 pts
Cryptek (Harbringer of Storm w/ voltaic staff) 25 pts
Cryptek (Harbringer of Despair w/abyssal staff) 30 pts
Cryptek (Harbringer of Despair w/abyssal staff) 30 pts
Necron Overlord 130 pts
(Warscythe, Sempiternal Weave, Mind-Schackle Scarabs)
Cryptek (Staff of Light) 25pts
Cryptek (Harbringer of Storm w/ voltaic staff) 25 pts
Cryptek (Harbringer of Despair w/abyssal staff) 30 pts
5 x Canoptek Wraiths 175 pts
5 x Canoptek Wraiths (1 x whip coils) 185 pts
5 x Necron Warriors 65 pts (Ghost Ark dedicated transport) 115 pts
5 x Necron Immortals (Tesla) 85 pts
5 x Necron Immortals (Gauss) 85 pts
Annihilation Barge (Gauss Cannon) 90 pts
Annihilation Barge (Gauss Cannon) 90 pts
5 x Deathmarks 95 pts
(NightScythe dedicated transport) 100pts
5 x Deathmarks 95 pts
(NightScythe dedicated transport) 100pt
3rd Place going 5-2
Dustin Sanders-AKA Gravy Ghost from the blog Prey in 40k (where is my belt???)
Chaos lord Bike, MoN, Burning brand, Murder sword
7- Plague marines 2- plasma guns, melta bomb Rhino w/ combi melta
7- Plague marines 2- plasma guns, melta bomb Rhino w/ combi melta
7- Plague marines2- melta guns, melta bomb Rhino
4- Spawn MoN
7- Havocs 4- autocannons, MoN
7-Havocs 4- missile launchers, MoN
6- plaguebearers
4th Place going 5-2
Keith Griffith AKA-No he didn't bring that many flyers!!
Royal Court 2 Crypteks with Storm, 2 crypteks with despair
5 deathmarks with Scythe
5 deathmarks with Scythe
5 warriors in Scythe
5 warriors in Scythe
5 warriors in Scythe
5 warriors in Scythe
Chaos Terminator Lord
30 Cultists with Champion
Fast Attack
5th Place was basically,
3 strike squads
2 interceptor squads
1 henchman squad
2 dreadknights with teleporters
6th Place was
Necron Lord
4 Scythes w 5 warriors
2 scythers with deathmarks and template of doom cryptek
1 helldrake
Chaos sorcer
cultist blob
7th place was
IG and Space Wolves
8th place and the best for fun army
75 fenrisian wolves
8 thunderwolves
3 longfangs
(Yes he made top 8 with ZERO scoring units...)
Overall 22 total flyers in the top 8. 17 necron flyers, 2 helldrakes, 1 DP, and 1 Vendetta...
Congrats to all the players!
:-) Almost as though the Necron fliers are somewhat overpowered... Well, are powerful and there simply is NOT enough anti air out there
ReplyDeleteI agree they can be tough to play against, but there are anti flyer tactics that work fairly well.
DeleteSome, perhaps... But facing so many it really limits what you can do and completely overpowers a lot of forces. And when the defense against them is"gee, I hope that I roll lots of 6's"... :-) just a bit annoyed with GW's slow resp once/poorly written flier rules... At the moment, I do think that in a year when there are more of them and iff they revise the point costs for a lot of them, it will work fine....
DeleteThere's a subset of armies that can't deal with fliers at all, and another subset that can't deal with them very well. Then there's a few armies that can deal with them at the cost of being weak against hordes or mech. Then there are some armies that can deal with them simply because it's just another flyer army itself.
DeleteHonestly I didn't have that huge of an issue with fliers. Almost all my opponents had at least two or more of them.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 3rd place! Interesting that you didn't have a problem with fliers. How do you defend against late game objective grabs?
DeleteSpreading out and Rhino blocks
DeleteThanks, I'd assumed the rhinos would all be wrecked by the end of the game, especially against fliers packing telsa. I guess there were bigger threats to deal with!
DeleteExactly, a flier heavy list lets you cut out 2 turns in the game and if you don't get all your fliers that can suck too. Running Plauge marines helps with the 3+ 5+ fnp against all that craziness.
DeleteI agree. The trick is to focus fire to wipe out his ground stuff - especially his scoring units- before the flyers arrive, THEN once the scoring units are gone, hammer the fliers with everything you've got and ignore his other ground stuff (sucking it up) as much as possible.
DeleteI can't begin to tell you how many games I've had where I've just completely ignored my opponents fliers until turn 4 or 5 and still come out on top because of objectives (including relic). It's only when you waste shots at them trying to bring them down early (while he still has scoring units and objective deniers) that I find fliers to be a problem,
P.S None of my current lists include a single flier. In fact, I've never fielded one at all.
DeleteNecrons do fliers so much better because even with them u have a lot on the ground
DeleteSorry I somehow missed the 4th list. It is now in there.
ReplyDeleteI still think it was crazy to have a rematch of last years finals despite going 7 rounds.
ReplyDeleteAs for the amount of fliers the guy in 4th had as many fliers as the top 3 players combined.
kind of crazy
ReplyDeleteI'd love to get. More detailed list of what the TWC list had!
ReplyDeleteSeems like a list I'd like to take for a laugh.
I will post it for you fester. It was hillarious to see on the boards. People didn't know what to do.
Delete6 x 14 fenrisian wolves with 1 cyber wolf
4 TWC with 2 Storm shields and all melta bombs
4 TWC with 2 storm shileds and all melta bombs
3x6 longfangs with 5 missile launchers
I told him I would have liked to see 1 fist or th with each TWC but it was aweseome to behold. He did say the cyber wolves didn't do much..
A great list to watch in action. Not so much fun if you're on the receiving end of it. This sort of SW list is pretty damn frustrating/boring to play against. Especially if he gets first turn. (Note: I wasn't at the tournament and didn't play Canis).
DeleteHi Spag, thanks for posting the lists. Not surprised to see Necrons and helldrakes at the top end, although I was expecting to see more vendettas and anti-air.
ReplyDeleteA few general questions for you, if that's ok?
1) What role did mech play overall?
2) Did anyone attempt a MSU style list, and if not, why do you think this is?
3) How would you describe the overall variety of armies?
#1. Most mech on the tables were either flyers, landraiders, AV13 vehicles,chimeras, or drop pods. There were only a few armies that brought more than a rhino.
Delete#2. There were not any 'real' msu style armies. Dustin Sanders was close with 7 plague marines in 3 rhino's but most brought larger squads. Besides a few Dark eldar players with venoms but you kind of have to be msu for that.
#3. I saw a large variety of armies. We had some of everything on the tables. Blobs, nercron air, hybrid air power, blobs, lots of drop pods, etc. There really seemed to be a wide variety.
Hope that helps. Helldrakes are too stupid. But I did re-read the faq for the helldrake and even though it is 360 degrees line of sight still comes from the head of the model. That is very interesting....
The heldrake faq states measure all ranges from the part of the base closest to the target unit.
DeleteThanks, very interesting. I play SW+GK heavy bolter razor-spam, and I'm finding MSU and mech invaluable against Helldrakes. Playing against two in a list plus the brand, things still get very messy, but with lots of mobile small targets that can combine to take down the rear armour, IMHO it's better than large squads on foot, in pods or rhinos.
Delete@Tomb king, Yes it does but los is still determined from the head so a better chance to hide models...if only slightly.
Delete@Sentinel, I think transports will make a small comeback. Maybe not at adepticon with every mission having kp, but sooner.
Was any Forgeworld allowed? Aeronautica has some great anti air in their hyperios air defence battery rules.
ReplyDeleteNo FW
DeleteAnd so it begins. YTTH is "analyzing" some of the finals. Go take a gander.
ReplyDelete"what is amazing and exemplifies the issues with 40k is that an army with 20 4+ saves and 10 5+ saves can make the finals. They are good players but not enough armies has a way to deal with 4 flyers so you can’t punish a troop light list like this if you can’t even get them out of their damn ride."
Clueless. If you weren't there and you didn't see how the lists were played, you are not qualified to judge the top lists. The players were good and the lists, even though some disagree, were very solid. I know more bashing is coming, but stelek won't let me post any longer because I speak truth and it hurts his feelings.
Broderick was there. Not sure if you played him or not. He was eldar and GK. I actually cant understand the comments. I will call him.
ReplyDeleteNo big deal. He is just going to do a follow up report on Tomb Kings reports.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, it would be nice for the option to take more than one quad gun to deal with airforce armies if one does not ahve the cash to field their own...then again, GW sales of expensive flyer models would plummet. I'm not sure why, other than this reason, there are ANY armies able to field more than three flyers.