Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It is that time of year.

By TheGraveMind

That time of the year has begun. Where, in Indiana; the weather changes every day, the gloom of winter hangs overhead, and the relatives start asking what you want for the holidays.

So what do I ask for? I have bought any games I would want, and I have almost three full armies I'm working on. I figured I would ask for cash to put towards an Army Transport Case, seeing as I've been using shoe boxes or tackleboxes. Well, you know relatives, they have to have something to physically give to me, or else I'll probably end up with some off-colored pants and matching shirt.

So I figured I would take this opportunity to get all of those little things I've wanted. Checking out things like Armorcast, and ebay. Tons of conversion opportunities there. I checked out Paulson games, as I've been eye balling some of his things for a while. When I came back a few days later to make the purchase it seems he has gone on vacation. I'll have to come back to that.

Well, that gets me a few items along the way, but they are kind of small items. I figure 'tis the season, lets go big or go home. That is right.... Forgeworld. Yes, if you've ever seen some of their models, you'll know that they are almost every gamers' wet dream. I've only dreamed about getting their stuff, but it looks like it will finally come true.

So with all of the browsing done, online carts are full, and the confirmations on purchase are approved, I am now awaiting a couple packages to my front door. Only to then give them to relatives to re-wrap and put under the tree and wait even longer.

Until I get to open my presents, I'll just have to practice my painting to make sure I do these fine models justice. I'll keep trying at my OSL, edge highlights, blending, and battle damage. And yes, I'm being specifically vague, they are a surprise ;)


  1. Wow I think this post is you bragging about your cool Forgeworld gifts you have coming. LOL

  2. haha, maybe a little. It was supposed to be more about to expect some cool conversion and painting posts in the near future. I AM a little giddy about getting my cool new forgeworld gift. And it isn't like it is a huge titan or anything, just upgrade stuff and things.

  3. Looking at Christmas I am just wanting to get my Dark Eldar ready for playtesting. I just won the last box I need which is a box of wracks to make my 2,000 list. Your models are looking better, and I need to get painting again as well.

    Merry Early Christmas

  4. Now is the time to order from Forgeworld. I got mine today. That is 6 days. It is the first package to come. I only got a quick inventory check before they were taken to be wrapped.


out dang bot!

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