Monday, February 28, 2011
Pimp My Ride - Raider Edition
By Anonymous Foodie
I've been working for a while on converting my Raiders into something a little more... well... cool looking. At least, I like to think so...
Chicken Little Syndrome
by: farmpunk
I've noticed a trend with each successive codex release. I'm wondering how many others have noticed it since codexes started getting re-released after the unveilling of 5th ed.
With each new codex comes a flurry of rumors about what's going to happen, mixed with what people want to see happen, mixed with stuff that's just right out. Inevitably, there's a large knee-jerk reaction:
ZOMGWTFROFLBBQPDF! teh skie is fawlling! sayve meh! this is too uberpowered! Ahm gonna quit 40K!1!!!eleventy-one!11.
I've noticed a trend with each successive codex release. I'm wondering how many others have noticed it since codexes started getting re-released after the unveilling of 5th ed.
With each new codex comes a flurry of rumors about what's going to happen, mixed with what people want to see happen, mixed with stuff that's just right out. Inevitably, there's a large knee-jerk reaction:
ZOMGWTFROFLBBQPDF! teh skie is fawlling! sayve meh! this is too uberpowered! Ahm gonna quit 40K!1!!!eleventy-one!11.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Necron Wishlisting: What Would You Like To See?
by SandWyrm
Ok, so it's pretty well known in the rumor circles that Necrons are the next Codex in line for an update after Grey Knights. So, what would the community like to see in a new codex?
Ok, so it's pretty well known in the rumor circles that Necrons are the next Codex in line for an update after Grey Knights. So, what would the community like to see in a new codex?
Welcome to the End Times
by Anonymous Foodie
With all the talk of bankruptcy (and the hope that GW will avoid it for years to come), I got to thinking...
With all the talk of bankruptcy (and the hope that GW will avoid it for years to come), I got to thinking...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
That Other Company's Fantasy Wargame...
by SandWyrm
Mrs. Sandwyrm was having a ladies night at the house with some church friends, so after hitting Chick-Fil-A, I decided to take the kids down to the North Store. Their 40K shipment usually comes in on Thursday and I wanted to snag some new Speeders for the Emo-Wing.
Mrs. Sandwyrm was having a ladies night at the house with some church friends, so after hitting Chick-Fil-A, I decided to take the kids down to the North Store. Their 40K shipment usually comes in on Thursday and I wanted to snag some new Speeders for the Emo-Wing.
Zomg! It's a tournament List!!
by Anonymous Foodie
So I don't normally find myself advocating much of the Tournament scene... although most of this is because of the type of hardcore "in it to win it" attitudes that are often associated with said level of gaming.
So I don't normally find myself advocating much of the Tournament scene... although most of this is because of the type of hardcore "in it to win it" attitudes that are often associated with said level of gaming.
Painting Question: Tyranids
by SandWyrm
Purgatus Writes:
Purgatus Writes:
Sandwyrm - I need you to whip out your color wheel-o-awesome and give me your thoughts on this:
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The High Price Of Being Evil
by SandWyrm
Stelek just posted a competitive 2K Dark Eldar list on YTTH today. Looking at it, I got to wondering: "What does this baby cost?"
Stelek just posted a competitive 2K Dark Eldar list on YTTH today. Looking at it, I got to wondering: "What does this baby cost?"
Monday, February 21, 2011
Upcoming: Evansville 40K Tourney
by SandWyrm
Paul Schutte Writes:
Paul Schutte Writes:
Hey SandWyrm,
Love the blog, keep up the good work
We Evansville folk are having a 40k tournament on March 26th and 27th.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Kokomo Indiana 40k tourney date change
by Uberdark
We have now changed the date to APRIL 23RD, 2011. You will go to this tourney or Picard might get antsy.
We have now changed the date to APRIL 23RD, 2011. You will go to this tourney or Picard might get antsy.
Henchmen A Go-Go
by SandWyrm
I'm most interested in the Henchman options that are in the new Grey Knight codex. Let's look at them:
I'm most interested in the Henchman options that are in the new Grey Knight codex. Let's look at them:
You Wanted An AdMech Codex? Here It Comes...
by SandWyrm
Well well well, whataya know? I have, throughmy network Farmpunk, acquired a copy of the new Grey Knight Codex.
Well well well, whataya know? I have, through
Thursday, February 17, 2011
A 40k Event Summary
By TheGraveMind
So I attended the 40k event that was held on the 12th [At the south store - Ed]. I had a lot of fun, even though my Nemesis ruined everything and I ended up going 1-2. I really liked the turn out and the atmosphere. All of my games were very close, and I enjoyed each of them. Here is a summary of my three games
So I attended the 40k event that was held on the 12th [At the south store - Ed]. I had a lot of fun, even though my Nemesis ruined everything and I ended up going 1-2. I really liked the turn out and the atmosphere. All of my games were very close, and I enjoyed each of them. Here is a summary of my three games
The Snow-Guard From The Feburary 5th Tourney
by SandWyrm
Hey, what do you know? I did get a pic of them. The brushwork is a bit sloppy up-close, but the overall effect is quite nice.
Hey, what do you know? I did get a pic of them. The brushwork is a bit sloppy up-close, but the overall effect is quite nice.
Why Is It That...
by SandWyrm
... Red spraypaint takes 10x longer to dry than yellow? I mean, seriously, what's up with that?
... Red spraypaint takes 10x longer to dry than yellow? I mean, seriously, what's up with that?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Some new beasts
By TheGraveMind
As I'm sure most people are aware, Second wave Dark eldar have been announced. While I'm still waiting for my second wave Tyranids I thought it would be interesting to see what minis they put out. They have a beastmaster, some beasts, and succubi. The beastmaster and succubi I expected, but making actual beasts... that one surprised me. And they look cool! With these new beasts and the new spider that just came out, I'm feeling like I might start owning a zoo.
As I'm sure most people are aware, Second wave Dark eldar have been announced. While I'm still waiting for my second wave Tyranids I thought it would be interesting to see what minis they put out. They have a beastmaster, some beasts, and succubi. The beastmaster and succubi I expected, but making actual beasts... that one surprised me. And they look cool! With these new beasts and the new spider that just came out, I'm feeling like I might start owning a zoo.
That Ominous Feeling Of Impending Meh
by SandWyrm
The Grey Knights rumors have been coming pretty hard lately. We have FOC breakdowns, blurry glimpses of new models, and descriptions of quite a few special rules. Most of which has been pretty consistent since November. Most of the information makes sense from a design and game-balance perspective too. There's nothing that stands out as unlikely or wish-listing at present. Which is why I'm going to just go ahead and say it.
I think the new Grey Knights are gonna kinda suck.
The Grey Knights rumors have been coming pretty hard lately. We have FOC breakdowns, blurry glimpses of new models, and descriptions of quite a few special rules. Most of which has been pretty consistent since November. Most of the information makes sense from a design and game-balance perspective too. There's nothing that stands out as unlikely or wish-listing at present. Which is why I'm going to just go ahead and say it.
I think the new Grey Knights are gonna kinda suck.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Big 40K Tourney in Central Indiana
by Uberdark
Okay kids here's the dish.
Okay kids here's the dish.
What do you look for in a tournament?
by Wienas
So we've had a pair of tournaments locally here in Indianapolis in the last week. Sadly, I was unable to attend the event at Games 2 Die 4 last week, but I had a great time this past weekend at the event run at the Game Preserve South.
So we've had a pair of tournaments locally here in Indianapolis in the last week. Sadly, I was unable to attend the event at Games 2 Die 4 last week, but I had a great time this past weekend at the event run at the Game Preserve South.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Rules That Divide Us
by SandWyrm
After reading this excellent article over at GDMNW, I realized something about 40K's casual/competitive divide that I hadn't ever thought about before. Maybe it's the actual rules themselves that contribute the most to this strange split in the player base. In that each group has very different reactions to 40K's inconsistent levels of abstraction. Come along while I explain.
After reading this excellent article over at GDMNW, I realized something about 40K's casual/competitive divide that I hadn't ever thought about before. Maybe it's the actual rules themselves that contribute the most to this strange split in the player base. In that each group has very different reactions to 40K's inconsistent levels of abstraction. Come along while I explain.
Who's Going To Adepticon?
by SandWyrm
Just thought I'd see who was going to Adepticon this year fromthe greater Indianapolis Area TheBack40K community. I'll be heading up on the 31rst. Anybody else?
Just thought I'd see who was going to Adepticon this year from
Friday, February 11, 2011
More Grey Knight Rumors-I cannot wait until April!!!
by Spaguatyrine
Now as I was checking BOLS I found some information I must have missed last week with the tournament preparation I had...Look below...
Now as I was checking BOLS I found some information I must have missed last week with the tournament preparation I had...Look below...
Hive Fleet Indy Spearhead Tournament
by Spaguatyrine
A fun tournament being run by our sisters of battle player John Lay. This is an event that will have some prize support...
A fun tournament being run by our sisters of battle player John Lay. This is an event that will have some prize support...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Dora the Sororita...
by SandWyrm
If, like Farmpunk, you have a couple of girls instead of boys, you might not have fully appreciated the Thomas lyrics in the last post. So here's something you can relate to.
If, like Farmpunk, you have a couple of girls instead of boys, you might not have fully appreciated the Thomas lyrics in the last post. So here's something you can relate to.
They're Blue, They're Red, They're Wintergreen...
by SandWyrm
If like me, you have 3 young boys at home, then you probably spend way too much of your life watching Thomas the Tank Engine. You probably also get the Thomas theme song stuck in your head while trying to play 40K or paint.
Well, here's some alternate 40K lyrics that I've composed just for you:
If like me, you have 3 young boys at home, then you probably spend way too much of your life watching Thomas the Tank Engine. You probably also get the Thomas theme song stuck in your head while trying to play 40K or paint.
Well, here's some alternate 40K lyrics that I've composed just for you:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tournament report, Feb 5th, G2D4
by TheGraveMind
So the morning of the fifth, I wake up, shower and get ready to pick up a few of the locals on the way up to G2D4. Behold the snow, on top of the good amount of ice that is still clinging to spots. I pick up Strung muppet and Nemisis first as they are close. We call the fourth person and find out his car went off the road near his house. We drive and find him, and try to get it out, but he somehow found the one hole in all that ice and was stuck good. An officer drives by and says they'll have to tow it and probably impound it. Nothing more Nick can do, so he locks it up and we drive up to G2D4 at 10mph cause 74W and 65N are a mess with crashes every 100 feet. We get there a few minutes late (we had called ahead and they were understanding). Nick had been on the phone the entire way up trying to straighten up the car towing situation. But now it is game time!
So the morning of the fifth, I wake up, shower and get ready to pick up a few of the locals on the way up to G2D4. Behold the snow, on top of the good amount of ice that is still clinging to spots. I pick up Strung muppet and Nemisis first as they are close. We call the fourth person and find out his car went off the road near his house. We drive and find him, and try to get it out, but he somehow found the one hole in all that ice and was stuck good. An officer drives by and says they'll have to tow it and probably impound it. Nothing more Nick can do, so he locks it up and we drive up to G2D4 at 10mph cause 74W and 65N are a mess with crashes every 100 feet. We get there a few minutes late (we had called ahead and they were understanding). Nick had been on the phone the entire way up trying to straighten up the car towing situation. But now it is game time!
New Orks And Goblins, Blah, Blah... HEY!
by SandWyrm
Who wants to bet that GW will sell more of these to Tyranid players than they will to Ork and Goblin players? I see a nice Tervigon or Tyrannofex being made out of this baby. :)
Who wants to bet that GW will sell more of these to Tyranid players than they will to Ork and Goblin players? I see a nice Tervigon or Tyrannofex being made out of this baby. :)
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Green Marine Conundrum
by SandWyrm
In preparation for last weekend's tourney over at Games to Die For, I decided that I would put most of my effort into finally finishing my display board for the Tallarn 13th. With the hope of pushing past the competition for the first-place painting prize.
In preparation for last weekend's tourney over at Games to Die For, I decided that I would put most of my effort into finally finishing my display board for the Tallarn 13th. With the hope of pushing past the competition for the first-place painting prize.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Feb 5th Hive Fleet Tournament Results
by Spaguatyrine

I have copied this message from Justin, AKA Dodger3 who posted final results on our Hivefleet Indy Forum.
Great event and thank you to everyone who showed up in the snow.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
My Storm Raven for my Grey Knights
by Spaguatyrine
Now I can tell you when I walked into a store on my birthday yesterday and asked if I could buy the storm raven, I was told only if .....
Now I can tell you when I walked into a store on my birthday yesterday and asked if I could buy the storm raven, I was told only if .....
Thinking outside of T6; Heavy Support
By TheGraveMind
Tyranid heavy support, the home of the T6. You have trygons and mawlocs, carnifex, tyranofex, and the little biovore. Trygons and Tyrannofexes are the most common of the culprits taken for this FOC slot. But lets take a look at the other possibilities.
First, lets have a moment of silence for the "Godfex". Never again shall such an amazing monstrosity of upgraded biomass walk across the battle field. Compare a venom cannon, crushing claw and regenerating Godfex with the bells and whistles. The 5th edition Fex clocks in at 270 points, while the 4th edition was sitting around 250. Granted the newer one has two more attacks, but what did we lose? Oh nothing important, just T7 W5 2+ for less points. A base 85 point carnifex (and 75 point Hive tyrant) would make people run screaming in this day and age. Oh how the young forget. But we cannot change the past, lets look toward the future....
![]() |
And we thought Godfexes were expensive in 4th edition |
First, lets have a moment of silence for the "Godfex". Never again shall such an amazing monstrosity of upgraded biomass walk across the battle field. Compare a venom cannon, crushing claw and regenerating Godfex with the bells and whistles. The 5th edition Fex clocks in at 270 points, while the 4th edition was sitting around 250. Granted the newer one has two more attacks, but what did we lose? Oh nothing important, just T7 W5 2+ for less points. A base 85 point carnifex (and 75 point Hive tyrant) would make people run screaming in this day and age. Oh how the young forget. But we cannot change the past, lets look toward the future....
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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by SandWyrm Long-time back40K readers may remember the set-back Chimeras I converted last July for the 'Ard Boyz Semi-Finals. I ...
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by SandWyrm Long-time back40K readers may remember the set-back Chimeras I converted last July for the 'Ard Boyz Semi-Finals. I ...