Sunday, February 13, 2011

Who's Going To Adepticon?

by SandWyrm

Just thought I'd see who was going to Adepticon this year from the greater Indianapolis Area TheBack40K community. I'll be heading up on the 31rst. Anybody else?


  1. So Ohio is a suburb of Indy now? :P

  2. I'm not from Indy, but will be there; wavering on actually utilizing my Champs ticket, vs. just spending the day socializing / doing little stuff / meeting folks.

  3. Not from your area either, but I'm going up for the Fantasy championships.

  4. Team Snake Eyes (from the Southeast Missouri/Southern Illinois/St. Louis area) will be competing, bringing two teams and assorted minions.

  5. I'm going to have to sit out this year, but I'm holding out hope that I'll be able to hit the NOVA open.

  6. I'm not going. I'd thought about going up for the KillZone tourney, and to meet and greet. (I may still try a 1day drive up there)

    I'm holding out for the big trip to NOVA.

    I know Chambers is going up for the Team Tourney. (don't know if it's with team snake eyes or not...)

  7. I will be there as well with bells on and a smile. If your lucky I might pack pants too.

  8. Going to the Adeptus Titanicus tourney?

  9. Right now I count it a good day when I get home before 10pm so in short I don't think so. The only reason that I am Going to Adepticon is because it falls between two good weeks as far as work goes and my wife is all but pushing me out the door.


out dang bot!

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