Sunday, March 25, 2012

Converting A Grille (Box) To An E-75...

by SandWyrm

Here's some pics of my newest conversion project. ;)

As my neighbor said, it's not done 'till it's overdone. We bombarded it with Nerf darts for the better part of an hour, but the beast could not be penetrated. :)


  1. That's fantastic!

    I would've killed for that as a kid. Or for a dad awesome enough to make me one. What a brilliant post - thanks for sharing!

    1. ...On a depressing note: I've just noticed that the floorplan of your garage is bigger than that of my house. No exageration. Jeez - you forget just how much space there is in the US...

    2. Heh,depends what part of the US you're talking about. When I lived in California, there were concrete block houses in Palo Alto smaller than that garage that cost over $500K.

  2. Most awesome conversion....ever!!!

    Just goes to show that you dont need a screen to entertain the kids. All you need is a cardboard box and imagination.

  3. Looks more like a E-100 to me.

    Great stuff,

  4. For the love of...

    What is that thing, like Front Armor 12?
    Nerf rounds are Firepower 6+.
    Clearly the box is OP.

    1. Nerf rounds are only Antitank 4, meaning they are only going to impact when the E75 assaults and you get some point blank shots into the grounding plate and side armour ... I would suggest the combination of a supersoaker and nerf rounds in a combined long range hose and then nerf penetration attack.

      Great idea, great build ... got me thinking...! My Boy would a) love that and is b) nearly 3.

  5. That's pretty damn good Sandwyrm. It's looks great.

  6. I'm sorry but where are the subtle blends, and use of OSL? You could do much better Wyrmy. ;)

    1. Anytime you want to come down and have a box-tank contest, just let me know. :P

  7. Awesome you made your kid a grot tank, can I have one too?


out dang bot!

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