Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Indy Open: The Armies

by SandWyrm

I didn't get photos of every army at the Indy Open, but I did get good pics of about half of them. Enjoy!

Composition-wise, there are a LOT of Grey Knight, Necron, and Dark Eldar armies on hand. My subjective impression is that these 3 armies account for about half of the entire field. The Imperial Guard and Blood Angels still have very decent showings, and we a lot of Daemons due to their popularity amongst the local players. Space Wolves are surprisingly weakly represented, with only a two players. Even the Orks and Vanilla Marines have more players on hand than the Wolves.

There are no Tau or Nids, and only a couple of Craftworld Eldar.

Guard, Guard, and...

Nooooo! Day glow flesh-NECRONS!!! Eeeeew! ;)

Them Orks have to stick together. :)

Yep, another Grey Knight army. Missile proxies instead of autocannons on the Dreds at least.

This one is even more impressive in person.

ScottyDon't brought his Vulkan Marines.

Beautiful! Now hand me a tissue. ;)

This is the only Space Wolf army that I remember seeing.

I've seen this guy before, maybe at Adepticon?

Lion-Riders as Rough Riders. With horns.


...zzzzzzzt! What's with the lone blue guy?

GeekProtem's "Blood Angels". He likes old Land Raiders and spindly bike/dred conversions.

Hey! You stole Vulkan's old display base!



  1. OMG! Thats my friend connors bee marines! The lonely blue guy is the sanguinor/pedofile priest!

    Hes got best painted in the bag yo!

  2. Great pics! Great job in making this event happen; some amazing-looking armies. No nids? Wish I could have made it.

  3. I love how people are always astonished at the lack of wolf players. At the last two GT's I went to there was onyl one at each....for the msot part all of the competitive junkies dropped their wolf armies for gk. no one likes old bandwagons

    1. I'm astonished because Adepticon and the Nova Open were so full of them last year. The quick decline is amazing as they're still very strong.

    2. There was at least one other one; a more balanced list (I played against both of them), rather than razorspam, and with 3 wolves on wolves.

    3. My first round opponent was a space wolves player with 4 Thunder Cav and a couple of razor backs. Was a pretty balanced list nothing too crazy.

  4. that awesome burgle army with the blight drone-like prince was almost all done in the last couple of weeks. the guy's name is chad, and his work is great. and those blight drone fan blades are scratch builds.

    1. That army is great but it is his display board that really puts it over the top. Very well done!

  5. We will put up the top painted armies in another post.

    It is sad we didn't have any nids or tau. Space wolves only had 2 armies. :(

    For this reason I will probably play my wolves for adepticon. They are still viable and I feel they can beat grey knights.

    1. They're a much more reliable army than the Grey Knights.

  6. There were three SW armies total. Two involved Thunderwolves, one just full Razorspam.

  7. Thanks for the kind words about my Nurgle army guys! Alas, I didn't do as well as I hoped in appearance. . . Ended up third best painted and missed Ren man by a wee bit. Suprisingly I ended up winning the 3-3 bracket after coming in expecting to not win any games at all! All in all was a really fun weekend. I met some cool people and played some really fun games. Thanks to all the organizers for putting on such a great event!

  8. The sanguinor is painted cuckoo wasp blue. Yellow jacket normal guys, paper wasp priests/upgrade characters.

    1. Which one stings other Marines to paralyze them and implant his own Geneseed in them?


out dang bot!

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