Saturday, September 3, 2011

Some tears from Spaguatyrine after the Nova Open!

by Spaguatyrine

I hate to get a little emo, but I just got home from Nova a few days ago and haven't had time to write up my reports from the Nova Invitational where I won best overall/Ren Man for the invitational.  The issue is...
The issue is that I am moving 3.5 hours away for a promotion at work to Evansville, Indiana.  This normally wouldn't be that big a deal except my family is staying here in Indianapolis due to school, work, etc.  I will get to drive home on weekends, but as I have been packing the past few days, I find myself feeling like I am leaving my children behind.   So as I have been super excited about my showing at the Nova, the feeling is bitter sweet due to these feelings. 

I picked up the toy car my daughter made me, the #1 Dad money clip my son bought me, the $1,000, 000 dollar piece my other son made, and realized how important my children are compared to my toy soldiers. 

That being said I will get my posts up in the next few days, but I just wanted to put into perspective how life trumps all; Even 40K.

God Bless and may you enjoy your family.....TODAY!!


  1. Today was a good day with the family. Challenge accepted, and served!

    Congrats on the ren man award! It was a great event, and you earned it.

  2. Thanks Drathmere! I appreciate the kind words. Spending time with family is a challenge with all the things to do in our lives.

  3. Been there, done that. Yeah, it's hard. Make the most of that family time. Tell us about your NOVA when you're in E-ville looking for something to do. Congrats.

  4. Do the right thing. The toy soldiers can wait.

  5. The reason it's tough is because you have your priorities straight.

    Two years from now, people you don't know won't know what you won at Nova.

    Two years from now, the people that mean the most to you will still be loving you. Having a family is one of the biggest sacrifices an individual can make. It's also the most rewarding. No excuses need to be made, you know you're doing the right thing.

    I have a couple of friends that work 2-3 hours away from where their family resides. It is tough, don't kid yourself, but it usually isn't forever either.

    I'm a Dad, have four kids, a wife I love and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

    May God continue to bless you.

  6. We can definitely wait; congrats on the promotion, congrats on NOVA. It is always a hard choice about the right thing to do when it comes to supporting your family when the options are time vs. money. Godspeed.

  7. I am sorry to hear that you are moving away from your family, I hadn't realized that before. I had a similar event happen, when my wife and kids moved down to St. Louis I stayed in CU for a little over month to finish out my job. It was the hardest month I have ever pulled and I was lucky that it was only temporary.
    Good Luck Man and please don't feel bad about not writing about plastic dolls while you still have your family at hand.


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