Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

by Spaguatyrine


Sandwyrm and me a few weeks ago in his mancave!! I am
the turkey in the Middle! :) Scott is watching on the right.

Enjoy your time with Friends and Family.

The things I am thankful for:
  1. My Savior Lives.
  2. My Wife-who lets me play with plastic and metal toys.
  3. My Children-who like the game and play with me.
  4. My Job-which allows me to pay for the addiction.
  5. My friends such as ....well there are too many. Thanks to you all!
  6. My health. Even though I could loose 10 lbs.
  7. My mind. Who sometimes goes in and out but is pretty clear the majority of the time.
  8. My gaming group. Hive Fleet Indy.
  9. The Back40K which allows me to share my thoughts.
  10. And all my opponents that fall to my greatness!!!!! Just Kidding.

What are you thankful for?


  1. You pretty much covered it, brother. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. aww, you beat me to it. I was going to have some clever jib about consuming biomass. Nom nom nom!

  3. Hrm. I shoulda gotten my 'Happy Gluttony Day' up this morning when I got the turkey out of the brine and into the roaster.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    yes. you have to find me to get some of my homemade apple pie brandy. it is yummy. and mine.

  4. all I gotta say. Haven't beaten me yet Spaguatyrine!!!!

  5. You are correct! You moved your truck flat out to contest the objective in our game to make it a tie. I remember well. When would you like to play a rematch? I would love to get a game in with you soon. :)


out dang bot!

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