Friday, December 10, 2010

Interesting Tournament Items

by SandWyrm

Here's a couple of interesting links that relate to our recent discussions on tournaments.

First up, we have Blame It On The Dice, which has quantified the randomness of Battle Point scored tourneys using a simulation. It's not exhaustive, but illustrates a point.

When Battle Points Attack, ...err Fail!

Then we have a post by Mike Brandt (of NOVA fame) talking first about his thought process on making competitive missions:

NOVA Mission Thought Process

And then we have Mike again talking about his plans for NOVA 2011, and how he wants to use the first 4 games to separate his 256 players into 16 brackets. Then he wants to essentially run a mini-tourney in each bracket so that, in theory, everyone gets to play their best matches on the 2nd day. He's calling it the only fair Comp system.

I think it's a wonderful idea, which they've put a lot of thought into. Make sure that you read the comments!

Comp At The NOVA Open?!?!


  1. Mike's discussions about forming the NOVA Open have definitely shifted my thinking about making simple tourneys.

  2. I really like the first link from "blame it on the dice". I enjoy breakdowns like that, and although that's not the only possibility of breakdowns, it's still a possibility.

    It's got me thinking on a new turn for BP format missions. I think I'm gonna fidget and work around some things and see what I come up with.

    Also, you w/l'ers will never catch me alive!

  3. Looks like I have a road trip buddy. ;)

  4. We still need a 4th! They have to be fun and not smell like gas though!

  5. I need to send MVBrandt my pre-reg. But I was considering flying. Last Year NOVA had shuttles to the airport, and so did the hotels.

  6. You'd better hurry up. He's running out of space, if he hasn't already.

    The new Win/Loss Adepticon championships are already sold out!

    As for transport, why not do the road trip with the rest of the gang? It's not like your plastic bin full of loose figs is going to make it through airport security in one piece.

  7. I just sent MVB an e-mail. He told me he's got me down.

    I wasn't too excited about Adepticon, honsetly.

    I think only getting in a few games, and feeling my codex's age is getting me down. ok, that and the second jorb.

    I'm home next week, you wanna take the grots somewhere?


out dang bot!

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