by SandWyrm
The question sounds strange, sure. But it's a simple one. Does 40K have too many discrete units (actors) to comfortably keep track of over the course of a typical game?
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Battle Report: German Panzers vs. Russian Infantry
by SandWyrm
Jerry, the owner/manager of Games 2D4 offered me a game this week, so I put together a 2K mid-war list and headed over the the store on Saturday. Jerry has been playing Russians lately, so I wasn't too surprised to see him pull out a big Red Army infantry list when I got there. Having already faced the T-34 onslaught earlier this week, I was eager to see what it was like to face a big Russian infantry horde at 2000 points.
Jerry, the owner/manager of Games 2D4 offered me a game this week, so I put together a 2K mid-war list and headed over the the store on Saturday. Jerry has been playing Russians lately, so I wasn't too surprised to see him pull out a big Red Army infantry list when I got there. Having already faced the T-34 onslaught earlier this week, I was eager to see what it was like to face a big Russian infantry horde at 2000 points.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Pics: TheNeverThere's T-34 Horde!
by SandWyrm
I went down to the North Store last night and had 2 games against TheNeverThere's Russian tank horde. I'll detail the results in my next post, but I wanted to show off some pictures of TNT's T-34's first.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Getting Ready To Face The Horde...
by SandWyrm
Hopefully, TheNeverThere has finished assembling his 21 T-34s to a playable state for tonight's game. Here's the 1450-point German Panzerkompanie that I'll be trying to hold them back with.
Hopefully, TheNeverThere has finished assembling his 21 T-34s to a playable state for tonight's game. Here's the 1450-point German Panzerkompanie that I'll be trying to hold them back with.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
2" Smoke Templates For Flames Of War
by SandWyrm
Here's some handy smoke templates that you can print out to represent direct-fire smoke in Flames Of War. Yes, in Flames you get to fire smoke rounds and smoke bombardments. Which is how Farmpunk screws over my Tigers. It doesn't matter what that huge 88mm gun can do if you're blind. :)
Here's some handy smoke templates that you can print out to represent direct-fire smoke in Flames Of War. Yes, in Flames you get to fire smoke rounds and smoke bombardments. Which is how Farmpunk screws over my Tigers. It doesn't matter what that huge 88mm gun can do if you're blind. :)
Tyranid second wave finally? (confirmed)
By TheGraveMind
It seems these rumors were correct and there are now leaks to WD pictures of the new Tyranids (and space wolves but what ever :)
It seems these rumors were correct and there are now leaks to WD pictures of the new Tyranids (and space wolves but what ever :)
Monday, February 20, 2012
Easy Objective Markers For Flames Of War
by SandWyrm
I've gotten sick of using artillery bases for my objectives in Flames, so I've come up with some nice print-and-go objective markers for our local players.
I've gotten sick of using artillery bases for my objectives in Flames, so I've come up with some nice print-and-go objective markers for our local players.
Know Your Foe - Vehicles
By Anonymous Foodie
Whether you're a competitive player or a beer and wings type, we can all take a lesson from our favorite PSA's...
Hobby: Texturing Desert Bases
by SandWyrm
Here's a nice little method for texturing a model's base to simulate rocky desert terrain. I'm using it on my Afrikakorps Germans, but it would work just as well for 40K models. In fact, it's much the same method that I used to make the rocky 'snow' on the base of my Emo-Wing test model.
Here's a nice little method for texturing a model's base to simulate rocky desert terrain. I'm using it on my Afrikakorps Germans, but it would work just as well for 40K models. In fact, it's much the same method that I used to make the rocky 'snow' on the base of my Emo-Wing test model.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
40K Seems So... Weird Now
by SandWyrm
I headed over to Games 2 Die 4 this afternoon, hoping to get in a game of Flames, but it was not to be. I hadn't known that John was going to be running a 500-point 40K mini-tourney today. So the tables were already covered with 40K-Style terrain in anticipation. While I didn't play in the tourney (had to leave by 3:00), I did pull out the Blood Angels and play a couple of good games of 40K against Spag and TheGraveMind.
I headed over to Games 2 Die 4 this afternoon, hoping to get in a game of Flames, but it was not to be. I hadn't known that John was going to be running a 500-point 40K mini-tourney today. So the tables were already covered with 40K-Style terrain in anticipation. While I didn't play in the tourney (had to leave by 3:00), I did pull out the Blood Angels and play a couple of good games of 40K against Spag and TheGraveMind.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Indy Open: Almost Here!
by: farmpunk
I'm getting excited about the Indy Open being two weeks away. There are only a few slots left open to register for you slowpokes out there!
I'm getting excited about the Indy Open being two weeks away. There are only a few slots left open to register for you slowpokes out there!
The Russians Are Coming!
by SandWyrm
TheNeverThere was at the North Store this past Wednesday; watching as I beat up Farmpunk with my Panzers. He had a little something with him to show off.
TheNeverThere was at the North Store this past Wednesday; watching as I beat up Farmpunk with my Panzers. He had a little something with him to show off.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine Day!!!
by SandWyrm
Be sure and give tanks to those you love. Or at least your mutually beneficial allies. :)
Be sure and give tanks to those you love. Or at least your mutually beneficial allies. :)
Indy GT test run.
By TheGraveMind
Last Weekend (the 4th) was a tournament held by Indy 40k that was structured as the Indy open, to get a feel for it, and even used missions from the mission packets. There was a pretty good turnout of around 20ish people, and some of the toughest in the local crowd. Here is my take on how it went down.
Last Weekend (the 4th) was a tournament held by Indy 40k that was structured as the Indy open, to get a feel for it, and even used missions from the mission packets. There was a pretty good turnout of around 20ish people, and some of the toughest in the local crowd. Here is my take on how it went down.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Revisiting Black Templars
By Spaguatyrine
After reading the 40k novel Helsreach, which was incredibly awesome and my favorite in the new 40k series, and playing against black templar armies in the last few tournaments I decided to buy the codex. I found a codex for $17 at an old comic shop in Evansville. As I am looking and studying the codex a lot of interesting options are jumping out at me....
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Sisters of Battle suprise me!!!!!
By Spaguatyrine
I played a game with a player in Evansville named Dave. We wanted to get a game in at 2,000 points. And I can tell you that they surprised me.....
I played a game with a player in Evansville named Dave. We wanted to get a game in at 2,000 points. And I can tell you that they surprised me.....
Review: Zveda Panzer II
by SandWyrm
So there I was at Hobbytown USA, fruitlessly looking for more Tamaya desert-colored spraypaint, when I accidentally found that they carry 1/100 Zveda sets! Mostly it was Soviet Armor, with a few planes and rocket trucks. But they did have a couple of German vehicles such as the Pz38 and the PzII. So I grabbed a Panzer II and brought it home. What did I get for my $5.00?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Conversion: PzIII-G to PzIII-L
by SandWyrm
My Panzer III tanks from the Plastic Soldier Company have been getting some disapproving looks lately from the regulars at G2D4 because they don't really look like the "L" versions that I'm using on the field. So I decided to go ahead and convert them properly.
My Panzer III tanks from the Plastic Soldier Company have been getting some disapproving looks lately from the regulars at G2D4 because they don't really look like the "L" versions that I'm using on the field. So I decided to go ahead and convert them properly.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Why Good Primer Matters
by SandWyrm
My 2 Boxes of Panzer IV's from the Plastic Soldier Company finally came in last week. Once I got them assembled, I wanted to primer all of my tanks so that I wouldn't be staring at bare plastic and metal during my games. My usual primer, Tamaya Neutral Gray, hasn't been in stock at the local hobby shop lately, possibly because of the Tsunami that hit Japan. So instead I bought some Testors Semi-Gloss Primer (for half the price). Big Mistake!
My 2 Boxes of Panzer IV's from the Plastic Soldier Company finally came in last week. Once I got them assembled, I wanted to primer all of my tanks so that I wouldn't be staring at bare plastic and metal during my games. My usual primer, Tamaya Neutral Gray, hasn't been in stock at the local hobby shop lately, possibly because of the Tsunami that hit Japan. So instead I bought some Testors Semi-Gloss Primer (for half the price). Big Mistake!
Battlefront Shows GW How It's Done
by SandWyrm
In case you haven't heard, the new edition of Flames Of War is now upon us. Giving Battlefront a chance to show GW how to properly release a new game edition. Let's list some of the ways they rock...
In case you haven't heard, the new edition of Flames Of War is now upon us. Giving Battlefront a chance to show GW how to properly release a new game edition. Let's list some of the ways they rock...
Friday, February 3, 2012
11th company at the Indy Open GT-And other celebs
By Spaguatyrine
Neil Gilstrap and Stephen Chase from the 11th company Warhammer 40k Podcast will both be playing in The Indy Open GT .
Neil Gilstrap and Stephen Chase from the 11th company Warhammer 40k Podcast will both be playing in The Indy Open GT .
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Tyranid second wave finally?
By TheGravemind
So the supposed rumor is that there will be a second wave release of models in the next month or so. Now I normally don't care/follow the rumors that much, but this time in involves tyranids, and it seems to have a little evidence behind it.
So the supposed rumor is that there will be a second wave release of models in the next month or so. Now I normally don't care/follow the rumors that much, but this time in involves tyranids, and it seems to have a little evidence behind it.
Indy Open GT practice tournament February 4th!!!!!!
By Spaguatyrine
Weines is running a primer tournament this coming Saturday for anyone wanting to practice some of the Indy GT missions. You can find the information HERE .
Weines is running a primer tournament this coming Saturday for anyone wanting to practice some of the Indy GT missions. You can find the information HERE .
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