Friday, February 3, 2012

11th company at the Indy Open GT-And other celebs

By Spaguatyrine

Neil Gilstrap and Stephen Chase from the 11th company Warhammer 40k Podcast will both be playing in The Indy Open GT .

They will also be bringing their video and audio equipment to conduct interviews and record some high profile games and players.  We will provide a cameraman while Neil and Stephan are playing, but look forward to the Podcast and video's on YouTube that they will post.  Some of the most detailed personal experiences and tactical advice I have heard come from their site.  Check the site out for actual interviews of winners of large tournaments, big names in the 40K world, and tactica on how people who have been successful have done so. 


Neil Gilstrap-Nova 2011 Tournament Ace, Qualifier for the 2012 Nova Invitational tournament through the Battle for Salvation GT, writer and tournament organizer of the 11th Company GT.

Hulksmash-Nova Invitational player from 2011, Nova 2011 Tournament Ace, and nationally known blogger of They Shall Know Fear .  Hulksmash is also the leader of an Adepticon super team for 2012, which I have been graciously added as an alternate for Dash of Pepper. 

Xaerth-Nova Invitational player from 2011, Nova 2011 Tournament Ace, and blogger of Delusions of Grandeur .

In addition we have 10 different states represented with players that have signed up.  So check out the blogs above for great tactical advice and get ready for next months first annual 40K Grand Tournament.  We have some spots left and I have spoken to many who will be signing up soon.  Don't miss your spot.

We will be conducting a Friday night open gaming night at Games 2 Die 4 .  What are some thoughts on games would you like to see?

A Kill Zone tournament?
Open gaming or challenges?
Celeb Challenge?

Let us know. We aim to please!!!!!


  1. I would like to see a "Celeb" Challenge, basically make those who talk walk.

  2. But I don't walk so good :)

    I'm looking forward to it. It'll be two GT's in 3 Weeks :D

  3. Nice Hulk,

    I am looking forward to trying to get some fun games in Friday night if it allows.

  4. I'll be down by Friday night so we should be able to get a game if you're open. I'm leaving here relatively early on friday morning since it's a 10 hour drive :)

  5. Sounds good. We will connect then. My main email is down. Everything still on for Adepticon?


out dang bot!

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