by Spaguatyrine
So as the February Tournament Season is coming and I am getting ready to knock some heads and hopefully represent this blog and Space Wolf players well, I cannot help but ask this question....How in the H-E-#-L does this rule get so......
Friday, December 31, 2010
Should GW Open-Source 40K?
by SandWyrm
Sorry for the light week of posting, but the family and I have been sick with Sinus Infections. I did, however, have a question today that I wanted to throw out to theBack40K community.
Should GW open-source the 40K ruleset and/or background?
Sorry for the light week of posting, but the family and I have been sick with Sinus Infections. I did, however, have a question today that I wanted to throw out to theBack40K community.
Should GW open-source the 40K ruleset and/or background?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Color Question: Dark Eldar Army Scheme
by SandWyrm
I've been a huge fan of the site for a while now and I've got a color-related question that I was hoping you could help me out with. I'm trying to come up with a scheme for my DE and am having some trouble figuring it out.
Dark Eldar vs Blood Angels
By TheGravemind
I had my first games after a couple weeks of sitting out, and man was it great to be back. My first game went kill points 9-4 in my favor, and we started early enough I was able to pick up a second game afterward. Game two was vs Dark Eldar, and it was 5 objectives with pitched battle deployment. I roll a 2 to go first and thinking "great, I'm going second against DE," but he rolls a 1, and is not running Vect. So I deploy my toys and am ready to grab some objectives.
I had my first games after a couple weeks of sitting out, and man was it great to be back. My first game went kill points 9-4 in my favor, and we started early enough I was able to pick up a second game afterward. Game two was vs Dark Eldar, and it was 5 objectives with pitched battle deployment. I roll a 2 to go first and thinking "great, I'm going second against DE," but he rolls a 1, and is not running Vect. So I deploy my toys and am ready to grab some objectives.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Top 12 Misconceptions About Win/Loss Tourneys; Part III
Saturday, December 25, 2010
No "Happy Winter Holiday" From Us
by Sandwyrm, Farmpunk, Spaguityrine, and the rest of theBack40K gang
Merry Christmas!
Peace on earth, and goodwill to all men! For our Savior was born this day!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tron Legacy
by SandWyrm
I was fully expecting it to suck after all the critical hate. But it actually turned out to be pretty good, with a tighter story than the first film. My only real complaint was the a-bit-too-fast pacing and the zoomed in, shaky Galactica-cam during the action sequences. It needed a long shot or two to better convey what was going on in those scenes.
It's pretty obvious that there will be a sequel within a year. Cillian Murphy (Batman Begins, Inception) was playing Dillinger's son in the boardroom scene, and he doesn't do bit parts anymore. :)
I was fully expecting it to suck after all the critical hate. But it actually turned out to be pretty good, with a tighter story than the first film. My only real complaint was the a-bit-too-fast pacing and the zoomed in, shaky Galactica-cam during the action sequences. It needed a long shot or two to better convey what was going on in those scenes.
It's pretty obvious that there will be a sequel within a year. Cillian Murphy (Batman Begins, Inception) was playing Dillinger's son in the boardroom scene, and he doesn't do bit parts anymore. :)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My Stormraven conversion part 2
By TheGraveMind
My Stormraven is complete! Well, as finished as it is going to get. To fit my theme of the chapter Plasma Drakes, I'm calling it the Night Fury pattern storm raven. The wings of a B2 stealth bomber, and my obsession with plasma weapons I think justifies it. It has been a long time coming, with many months of effort, and a couple tubes of super glue it seems.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My Stormraven conversion part 1
by TheGraveMind
A Stormraven, The landraider of the sky. After seeing many great conversions, and some not so great... I started thinking about making my own. I was tired of the Landraider-front/Valkyrie-end look. So I spent three days, and some notebook pages coming up with designs,.... and then it hit me.
A Stormraven, The landraider of the sky. After seeing many great conversions, and some not so great... I started thinking about making my own. I was tired of the Landraider-front/Valkyrie-end look. So I spent three days, and some notebook pages coming up with designs,.... and then it hit me.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
TWO! TWO years! ah-ha-ha-ha!
by: farmpunk
the Back40K has been around for two years now. Two years ago, I was bored at work, and had been reading blogs associated with 40K for a while. After reading Bell of Lost Souls one day, and probably a couple of BoLS associated blogs, I thought....
the Back40K has been around for two years now. Two years ago, I was bored at work, and had been reading blogs associated with 40K for a while. After reading Bell of Lost Souls one day, and probably a couple of BoLS associated blogs, I thought....
Friday, December 17, 2010
Ultramarines The Movie: Quick Fix
by Chambers
So yeah, I am a not so closeted Dan Abnett fan boy. So when I found out that he wrote the movie and the graphic novella I went a head and ordered the disc set.
The Universe Has Been Canceled
by SandWyrm
In case you haven't heard, the "Syfy" (not Sci-Fi) channel canceled Stargate Universe today.
In case you haven't heard, the "Syfy" (not Sci-Fi) channel canceled Stargate Universe today.
Whatever Happened To Guardsman Hawke?
by SandWyrm
Ok, I just recently finished reading Storm Or Iron, by Graham McNeil. Afterwards, I'm left with two reoccurring thoughts (spoiler!):
Ok, I just recently finished reading Storm Or Iron, by Graham McNeil. Afterwards, I'm left with two reoccurring thoughts (spoiler!):
Does Win/Loss Really Encourage WAAC?
by SandWyrm
Yes, I already addressed this question in a previous post, but Strung Muppet had some more to say on the matter and I want to make sure the point is properly explored.
Yes, I already addressed this question in a previous post, but Strung Muppet had some more to say on the matter and I want to make sure the point is properly explored.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Battle of the Newbies! Uberdark vs Spaguatyrine
by Spaguatyrine
The mighty Ork invasion force comes back from looting a nearby village to see it's home base being surrounded by puny looking Space Marines . Some of them are riding wolves.
(Sorry about the blurry pictures. I checked my settings afterword and the auto shake feature was turned off)
The mighty Ork invasion force comes back from looting a nearby village to see it's home base being surrounded by puny looking Space Marines . Some of them are riding wolves.
(Sorry about the blurry pictures. I checked my settings afterword and the auto shake feature was turned off)
Everybody loves a Batrep!
by Anonymous Foodie
A while back (I won't say how long, because I don't want to give you any ideas on how lazy we've both been with getting this finished) I played a game against a Uberdark's Speed Freeks. And if you don't remember this army from a while back, shame on you.
A while back (I won't say how long, because I don't want to give you any ideas on how lazy we've both been with getting this finished) I played a game against a Uberdark's Speed Freeks. And if you don't remember this army from a while back, shame on you.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Painting Question: Line Highlighting
by SandWyrm
Dear SandWyrm,
If you have a moment I would like to pick your brain on the popular painting style "line highlighting". Ron at From the Warp brought it to my attention recently with his "Back to Basics" series of articles. I guess I haven't really been paying much attention to it but after it was mentioned I noticed that its something that the staff at Games Workshop likes to use almost exclusively. Personally I am not that much of a fan. I have tired it on a few minis and I cannot seem to get the look to come out right. Even when I have painted the model the way that I intended it just doesn't seem to look "natural" for a lack of a better term. To me it appears that its a method to create a false contrast.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Top 12 Misconceptions About Win/Loss Tourneys; Part II
by SandWyrm
This is a continuation from part one in this series, where I go through and respond to all of the major objections that people have raised to the idea of running Win/Loss style 40K tournaments. All of which were aired after people read my previous post on Why Battlepoints Are Gimping Your Tournaments here on theBack40k, and it's later appearance on BoLS.
This is a continuation from part one in this series, where I go through and respond to all of the major objections that people have raised to the idea of running Win/Loss style 40K tournaments. All of which were aired after people read my previous post on Why Battlepoints Are Gimping Your Tournaments here on theBack40k, and it's later appearance on BoLS.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
To Stun, or Not to Stun
by Anonymous Foodie
Of late I've come across a few discussions about Hellions, and the infamous Stun Claw upgrade. For those unfamiliar, what this lets you do is basically grapple an enemy IC and pull him out of the squad.
Of late I've come across a few discussions about Hellions, and the infamous Stun Claw upgrade. For those unfamiliar, what this lets you do is basically grapple an enemy IC and pull him out of the squad.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Interesting Tournament Items
by SandWyrm
Here's a couple of interesting links that relate to our recent discussions on tournaments.
Here's a couple of interesting links that relate to our recent discussions on tournaments.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Top 12 Misconceptions About Win/Loss Tourneys; Part I
by SandWyrm
There's been quite the debate in the comments for my post on Why Battlepoints Are Gimping Tourneys on both theBack40K and BoLS. Particularly from FireTeam_Nova, who runs a lot of events at the GP-South here in Indy. He (and others) raise many objections to W/L which I feel deserve a post of their own for a proper response.
There's been quite the debate in the comments for my post on Why Battlepoints Are Gimping Tourneys on both theBack40K and BoLS. Particularly from FireTeam_Nova, who runs a lot of events at the GP-South here in Indy. He (and others) raise many objections to W/L which I feel deserve a post of their own for a proper response.
Interesting Comments on BoLS
by SandWyrm
In case you haven't noticed, my article criticizing battlepoint tourneys was picked up by Brent and re-published over on Bell of Lost Souls yesterday. The response has been impressive: 200+ comments as of this writing.
In case you haven't noticed, my article criticizing battlepoint tourneys was picked up by Brent and re-published over on Bell of Lost Souls yesterday. The response has been impressive: 200+ comments as of this writing.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Reader Question: IG Army Advice
by SandWyrm
Dear SW,
I have followed your posts on Theback40k and read alot you have written.
I was wondering if you would give me some feedback on my IG Mech List ?
Marbo In A Mech Army; Valuable Saboteur or Easy Kill Point?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
My two blue Baals
As Sandwyrm and Farmpunk like to joke about, I play marines with the Blood angel codex. I've scratch built my entire army combining chaos and loyalist bits. Why? Because I like the greaves of old armor better, and the horns, and generally chaos looks cooler, though I don't like all the spikes. When I started my marines, I told myself I would paint them blue and silver, my two favorite colors. So this bastard child of my two dreams has been the fact that I own two Baal predators... and they are blue..sigh.
As Sandwyrm and Farmpunk like to joke about, I play marines with the Blood angel codex. I've scratch built my entire army combining chaos and loyalist bits. Why? Because I like the greaves of old armor better, and the horns, and generally chaos looks cooler, though I don't like all the spikes. When I started my marines, I told myself I would paint them blue and silver, my two favorite colors. So this bastard child of my two dreams has been the fact that I own two Baal predators... and they are blue..sigh.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sir, There are orks infront of us!
By TheGraveMind
"...and behind us, and to the side. They are everywhere!" Had my first game (couple weeks ago almost) against the infamous Archfiend and his band of Orks. He pulled out a Trukk list for me, we played at 1750. I used the same list as when I faced against Nemesis the day before. We rolled up two objectives on 12" deployment. He won to go first, and deployed up. I fool hardily kept my three jump pack squads in reserves again. Sigh, could have charged 2nd turn if I hadn't. After his first turn, it felt like he had a 36" deployment, he was practically in my face.
[Warning, picture heavy]
"...and behind us, and to the side. They are everywhere!" Had my first game (couple weeks ago almost) against the infamous Archfiend and his band of Orks. He pulled out a Trukk list for me, we played at 1750. I used the same list as when I faced against Nemesis the day before. We rolled up two objectives on 12" deployment. He won to go first, and deployed up. I fool hardily kept my three jump pack squads in reserves again. Sigh, could have charged 2nd turn if I hadn't. After his first turn, it felt like he had a 36" deployment, he was practically in my face.
[Warning, picture heavy]
Tournament, Feb 12th. Missions
By TheGraveMind
Stop, Mission time! So we are given two months to fine-tune our lists for these missions, should be good. Again I'll be lazy and just copy paste, greatest function ever.
Stop, Mission time! So we are given two months to fine-tune our lists for these missions, should be good. Again I'll be lazy and just copy paste, greatest function ever.
holy crap thats a lot! or when does it stop?
by UberDark
So being into 40k for 4 years now, I've amassed a huge collection of miniatures. Last night I played a 2.5k game against a friend of mine, and it was at that point when I realized with over 100 orks on the table and a bucket load of other accouterments, that HOLY CRAP, IS THIS TOO MUCH!!!1?????
Jack says 40k is A-OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So being into 40k for 4 years now, I've amassed a huge collection of miniatures. Last night I played a 2.5k game against a friend of mine, and it was at that point when I realized with over 100 orks on the table and a bucket load of other accouterments, that HOLY CRAP, IS THIS TOO MUCH!!!1?????
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Upcoming Tournament: Feb 12th.
by TheGravemind
The information for the February 12th Tournament was emailed in. Call me lazy, I just copy pasted most of it see as it's after midnight and I'm busy on finals. As you may have noticed, Tournament ideas have been bouncing around here, and I'll say it's good to have one I think a lot of people can get behind. The Missions are also in, and I'll post them in a day or two after Finals have ran their course. Now for the real info.
The information for the February 12th Tournament was emailed in. Call me lazy, I just copy pasted most of it see as it's after midnight and I'm busy on finals. As you may have noticed, Tournament ideas have been bouncing around here, and I'll say it's good to have one I think a lot of people can get behind. The Missions are also in, and I'll post them in a day or two after Finals have ran their course. Now for the real info.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
New Grey Knight Rumors: Part II
by SandWyrm
Here it is, the rest of the new rumors from Blood of Kittens that were posted in Tasty's members-only area. (Don't worry, he gave everyone his permission to spread them.)
Here it is, the rest of the new rumors from Blood of Kittens that were posted in Tasty's members-only area. (Don't worry, he gave everyone his permission to spread them.)
New Feature: Color Theory Archive
by SandWyrm
If you look just below our banner, you'll see a new perma-link for our Color Theory Archive. The page it leads to has links/descriptions to all of the best posts in that category.
Over time, we'll add other perma-links like Tactics, Battle Reports, Hobby Stuff, etc. Enjoy!
If you look just below our banner, you'll see a new perma-link for our Color Theory Archive. The page it leads to has links/descriptions to all of the best posts in that category.
Over time, we'll add other perma-links like Tactics, Battle Reports, Hobby Stuff, etc. Enjoy!
Let's make a mission
by: farmpunk
We've been discussing powergaming and WAAC a lot recently, and with some good, civil discussion. There's been talk lately about resurrecting an Indy 40K tournament league, and whether Battle Points or W/L is a superior method. This all plays into something I've been ruminating for a while: Making Missions for tournaments.
We've been discussing powergaming and WAAC a lot recently, and with some good, civil discussion. There's been talk lately about resurrecting an Indy 40K tournament league, and whether Battle Points or W/L is a superior method. This all plays into something I've been ruminating for a while: Making Missions for tournaments.
New Grey Knight Rumors: Part I
by SandWyrm
Here's the newest rumors from over at Blood of Kittens concerning the new Grey Knights codex. Along with my own commentary in red.
Here's the newest rumors from over at Blood of Kittens concerning the new Grey Knights codex. Along with my own commentary in red.
Why I Love This Blog
by SandWyrm
You know, I'm consistently amazed at how civil and thoughtful everyone's comments are on this blog. Where else do you get such well thought out replies? Especially this last week. I'm really impressed!
Congrats everyone! And THANK YOU!!!
You know, I'm consistently amazed at how civil and thoughtful everyone's comments are on this blog. Where else do you get such well thought out replies? Especially this last week. I'm really impressed!
Congrats everyone! And THANK YOU!!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Why Battlepoints Are Gimping Your Tournaments
by SandWyrm
It's a plain fact that 40K tourneys have a bad rap amongst the greater 40K community. They're often seen as nothing but an excuse for WAAC (Win At All Costs) players to throw fun out the window and bring the most "broken" or "spammy" combos they can to grind other players into the dirt. Certainly, the most common experience for new players attending a tourney for the first time is to lose two or more of their games. Often very, very, badly. Which, when combined with the tension of a typical event, will often sour them on ever going to another tourney again.
But is it the competitive players that are responsible for this perception, or is the result of a flawed competitive system?
It's a plain fact that 40K tourneys have a bad rap amongst the greater 40K community. They're often seen as nothing but an excuse for WAAC (Win At All Costs) players to throw fun out the window and bring the most "broken" or "spammy" combos they can to grind other players into the dirt. Certainly, the most common experience for new players attending a tourney for the first time is to lose two or more of their games. Often very, very, badly. Which, when combined with the tension of a typical event, will often sour them on ever going to another tourney again.
But is it the competitive players that are responsible for this perception, or is the result of a flawed competitive system?
Monday, November 29, 2010
Powergamers - A second opinion
by Anonymous Foodie
As some of you know, I tend to shy away from the tournament scene. I did make a trip down to Bloomington recently, and may jump on the bandwagon a bit more to try for some store credit toward a few new DE minis, but overall, I vastly prefer the friendly setting. With beer, if at all possible.
As some of you know, I tend to shy away from the tournament scene. I did make a trip down to Bloomington recently, and may jump on the bandwagon a bit more to try for some store credit toward a few new DE minis, but overall, I vastly prefer the friendly setting. With beer, if at all possible.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Video: FAAC vs. WAAC
by SandWyrm
From UberDark's comment in Spaguatyrine's last post. Too funny!
From UberDark's comment in Spaguatyrine's last post. Too funny!
The Point Sink: or How to put all your piddies in one basket.
by Uberdark
So lately I have been trying some new things out with my ork army. I have kitted out my bikers, made them all nob bikers and given them a painboy, and FNP. all this for a huge 650 points. I have been told by multiple people that this is waaaaaaayyyyyy too much to be doing. Although a few have been inquisitive and asked how it works. So here it goes. The point sink. pros and cons.
So lately I have been trying some new things out with my ork army. I have kitted out my bikers, made them all nob bikers and given them a painboy, and FNP. all this for a huge 650 points. I have been told by multiple people that this is waaaaaaayyyyyy too much to be doing. Although a few have been inquisitive and asked how it works. So here it goes. The point sink. pros and cons.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Poll Results: Kill The Emperor!!!
by SandWyrm
The results of our poll are in! 50 readers (86.2%) voted to kill the Emperor and move the story of the Imperium forward. While 8 readers (13.8%) like their galaxy the way it is.
Time to contact Inquisitor Booth and make the arrangements. :)
The results of our poll are in! 50 readers (86.2%) voted to kill the Emperor and move the story of the Imperium forward. While 8 readers (13.8%) like their galaxy the way it is.
Time to contact Inquisitor Booth and make the arrangements. :)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Problem With Al'Rahem
by SandWyrm
I've never been a big fan of Captain Al Rahem as a Platoon Command Squad upgrade for the IG. But Marnepup over on Librarium Online really summed it up nicely today.
I've never been a big fan of Captain Al Rahem as a Platoon Command Squad upgrade for the IG. But Marnepup over on Librarium Online really summed it up nicely today.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Has It Occured To Anyone Else That...
by SandWyrm
...If the rumors are true, the upcoming Grey Knight Codex will make a pretty good Iron Warriors Codex?
...If the rumors are true, the upcoming Grey Knight Codex will make a pretty good Iron Warriors Codex?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Shall We Kill The Emperor?
by SandWyrm
I got into an interesting debate on BoLS a couple of weeks ago, and I can't stop thinking about it. It all started with Just_Me's post on Thorianism. A sub-sect of the Inquisition's Puritan faction that's obsessed with resurrecting the Emperor so he can once again lead the Imperium.
Uberdark: the man, the mystery, the awesome(-ishness?)
by uberdark and farmpunk in white
Some of you folks will recall a sweet-looking orky army that's made it's way onto theBack40k via SandWyrm and Anonymous Foodie. We've refer to him by many names at the shop, but have referred to him as JB here on the back40k.
You've seen his work: I think I have some local painting competition
and in SandWyrm's Battle Report here: A fine Looking Battle
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How Many Guard Is Too Many?
by SandWyrm
With my new-found love of IG platoons, I've been pulling out a lot of models that I haven't used since I was running a mostly foot gun line. This got me to wondering... How many points of Guard do I actually have painted?
With my new-found love of IG platoons, I've been pulling out a lot of models that I haven't used since I was running a mostly foot gun line. This got me to wondering... How many points of Guard do I actually have painted?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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by SandWyrm Long-time back40K readers may remember the set-back Chimeras I converted last July for the 'Ard Boyz Semi-Finals. I ...
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by SandWyrm Long-time back40K readers may remember the set-back Chimeras I converted last July for the 'Ard Boyz Semi-Finals. I ...